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viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2007

US Climate Policy Based On Lies And Pressure

The Bush Administration has been distorting, warping and withholding findings on climate change during the last few years. A congress report (Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - COGR) now proves that scientists and public authorities have been victims of such systematic action.

Having in mind the Bali climate conference this is tantamount to The pitcher that goes too often to the well gets broken. In other words: The degree of truth which is gushing from the US Bali talks position is based on leading-strings, lies and pressure. James Connaughton, Bush's chief propagandist who has participated in putting US politicians and the public on the wrong track on global warming, is one of those who leads the US delegation to Bali. This comes up to what could be seen as setting the fox to keep the geese.

Owing to these camouflage tactics, the USA is losing all credibility, but what's even worse is the fact that the credibility of the western nations as a whole is also getting shattered by (the well known term) collateral damage.

Conclusion: It doesn't work preach water, drink wine (to whom it may concern).

Saludos PATO

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